About Us

Here at ThriveArium Our Vision is A World of Happy, Healthy People Living in Harmony with Nature

The name ThriveArium combines
Thrive (both people and nature)
with Arium (Thing connected with, a place for)

So ThriveArium is the place for like-minded people to come together to help move the world forward towards a sustainable future where people and nature can live happily alongside each other.

We are all about Sustainability

We care about our world and the people, creatures and nature in it.

Our mission is to empower people who care about wildlife and the world and who want to live more sustainably by helping them to make a difference by reducing waste, use of resources and carbon footprint.

We scour our suppliers to find products that help us to Live in Harmony with Nature and bring them to you so you can join us in our passion for treading lightly on the planet and for helping to restore the world’s wildlife and ecosystems wherever we can.

ThriveArium was founded by Leigh Mitchell. As a vegan, Leigh is delighted that there is a surge in interest for plant-based life-styles around the world.

A life-long environmentalist, Leigh Mitchell is a determined recycler and aspiring zero-waster. She has a passion for not only conservation of our precious climate, habitats and wildlife, but also for planting of forests, cleaning up our environment, rewilding of land and generally letting nature get on with life without hindrance from mankind.

I help people who care about the world and its wildlife to live more sustainably and make a difference so you feel more authentic to yourself, and that you’re doing your bit for nature

Leigh Mitchell MSc, Sustainability Coach